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First Choice's Model for Success

First Choice's Model for Success

At First Choice Medical Centers of Excellence, doctors get to be doctors.


Central to First Choice's approach to developing profitable Medical Centers of Excellence involves the integration of both complementary medical specialties, ancillary and diagnostic services. While one specialty may have high reimbursements for professional service but insufficient volume to profitably support the necessary diagnostic equipment, another medical specialty may have a lower professional service reimbursement but high volume diagnostic equipment use.


Operating independently, each specialty group would face retreating profit margins and confront significant challenges to maintaining high service levels with adequate equipment and current technologies. However, operating together, they create the optimal mix of professional service fee income and diagnostic equipment procedure income. Since the combination is more profitable than either of its components, there is a favorable opportunity to sustain profit margins that will allow each of our Centers to maintain clinically superior, patient-centric service levels supported by top rated physicians and care and state-of-the-art equipment and technologies.


First Choice’s model for developing and operating medical centers of excellence is strictly defined to ensure that our high standards for patient care can be fostered and preserved, and profitability can be attained as we persist in expanding our Company nationally. More specifically, each Center is and shall be:


  • more than four physicians – all of whom are subject to a rigorous qualification and hiring process;


  • structured to provide for the combination of synergistic medical disciplines and is   supported by related in-house diagnostic services and technologies, i.e. orthopedics/neurology/interventional pain medicine; and


  • capable of generating up to $50 million when operating at full capacity.


Interested in exploring business or career opportunities with First Choice?  Please contact us!

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